
Definition of High Blood Pressure

In simple terms, blood pressure is the force applied by the blood to the walls of blood vessels.

High blood pressure is not only common, but it can also be deadly.

The following types of blood pressure can be determined by a person’s level of blood pressure:


  1. Mild

In this type, the bottom pressure is between 90 and 106.

  1. Moderate

It has a bottom pressure of 105 to 114.

  1. Severe

It has a bottom pressure above 115.


Causes of High Blood Pressure in Young Adults

If the upper blood pressure is more than 160 in older people, it is called high blood pressure.

Throughout the day we continue to do physical work, during which blood pressure increases

due to emotions. For this reason, the patient’s blood pressure should be checked after resting,

and the difference between resting and working blood pressure should be noted. If less after

rest and if the blood pressure is high during work, we will keep that patient from suffering from

high blood pressure. This disease is chronic. As a result, it does not cause any harm to

the patient. But after many years, it causes many disorders in the body:

  1. Paralysis
  2. Heart diseases
  3. Kidney diseases
  4. Narrowing of the arteries Loss of vision
  5. Reduced blood supply to the legs.

How many types of hypertension?

There are two additional types of hypertension.

  • Primary Hypertension
  • Secondary Hypertension


  1. Primary Hypertension

This type happens automatically, and there is no problem in the body that causes blood

pressure. 60% of people suffer from this type.


  1. Secondary hypertension

It is caused by various diseases of the body, which include the following:

  • From kidney disease
  • Because some English medicines
  • Narrowing of the aorta
  • From diseases of the glands
  • From sugar

What are the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

  1. At the beginning, there are no symptoms, but later on, in the presence of anxiety, the patient’s heart beats faster and his hands start ringing. Or if the patient is worried, he starts feeling nervous and restless, which is a sign of Yashar’s high blood pressure.
  2. I woke up in the morning with a headache and vision impairment.
  3. Feeling restless all day and a lack of sleep.
  4. High blood pressure causes headaches and nausea. Heart palpitations and fainting may occur.
  5. Excessive urination.
  6. Breath time.

Effects of High Blood Pressure on the Body

If the patient has been suffering from it for a long time, then it has caused a lot of damage to

the body. Therefore, the first duty of a doctor is to take care of these things while examining the

patient. Take a look at your eyes, legs, memory, anger, and other parts of your body. It is critical

to perform an ECG to determine the health of the patient’s heart and prevent heart failure as a

result of this disease.


Tests for High Blood Pressure Diagnosis

  1. BUN (blood urea).
  2. Sodium, Potassium, Glucose, Uric Acid, and Cholesterol.
  3. Urinary DR should be done.
  4. An ECG should be performed.
  5. Because of high blood pressure, all these tests
  6. Abnormal.

Which is the Best Medicine for High Blood Pressure


  1. Bryata Carb 3×30

It is a very helpful medicine, especially for those who are above 50 years of age and are more


  1. Bright Peacock 3x

Taking this medicine is necessary if the upper and lower blood pressure values are significantly



  1. Belladonna 30

Redness of the face, a severe headache, red eyes, dizziness, and a rapid heartbeat If all this

If there are symptoms, these are drugs.


  1. Glonine 30

 If this condition gets more severe during the summer months, give this medicine.

The patient feels sedated after receiving treatment.


  1. At half past 30

In response to a call to the head, the chicken beats fast and hates the task.


  1. JALSI Team 30

The appearance of one’s tongue is dry and dancing. Dizzy


  1. Eliminate Styva

It does not provide an answer to reducing the swelling of the blood, and after a few minutes,

I make coconuts.


  1. Natrum Peacock 200

Use as indicated. The patient taking this medicine should eat more salt



  1. Aconite 30

Fear of death, anxiety, panic, palpitations, quickening, and a full pulse.


  1. Nix Wamika 30

As a result, this medicine can be used to treat alcoholics and people living unnatural lives who

suffer from this disorder.


  1. Rao Wolfia

There is an excellent medicine for this disease.

High Blood Pressure Control Medicine

An electrohomeopathic drug called Blue Fluid works wonders for high blood pressure.

When applied externally to the heart area, the coconut’s blood pressure immediately increases.


High Blood Pressure Control through Abstinence

  • Saltings, greasy, spicy, and spicy foods should be avoided.
  • This disease can be cured by going for a morning walk.



How can high blood pressure be treated-Signs of hypertension Can Amla keep blood

pressure normal, regardless of whether it is high or low?

Sayyid is excellent in both cases. Be sure to use it.




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