What homeopathic remedy is good for low blood pressure?


What is a Dangerously Low Blood Pressure?

When the upper (systolic) pressure is less than 110 mm/Hg and the lower (diastolic) pressure is

less than 70 mm/Hg, it is called Hypotension. This condition does not represent a disease, but

rather a collection of factors that lead to its presence. In my blog, I tell you What homeopathic

remedy is good for low blood pressure?

Causes of Low Blood Pressure

  1. Because of grief and worry
  2. Due to blood flow
  3. Due to low body fluids.
  4. After a long illness.
  5. Most of this is caused by long-lasting or multi-day menstruation.
  6. Due to anemia
  7. Due to severe burns, body fluids are reduced in burn cases.
  8. Due to blood poisoning.
  9. And due to kidney failure.
  10. If the fine blood vessels called capillaries become wide in the body, the patient’s blood pressure decreases.
  11. Breathing becomes faster.

Symptoms of Lowering Blood Pressure

If a patient’s blood pressure remains low for a long time, the kidneys get damaged. Urea levels

in the blood increase as a consequence. An unsafe situation can be detected by this sign.

In cases of low blood pressure, give the patient salt and water. In severe cases, installation

is essential. Dextrose-saline is usually administered.

Low Blood Pressure Treatment in Homeopathy


  1. Wiskim Ilham 6

A circling wire pulse is weak, and the symptoms are severe in cold weather. If these three

symptoms are present in the patient, recovery is assured with this medicine.

  • Natrum Peacock 6x
  • (2) Kali phos 6x
  • (3) Kalkir or Phos 6x


Give these three medicines together. It is not the answer to heart disease and low blood pressure.


  1. China 30

If the patient has any disease due to a lack of body fluids and blood flow, this is a distinguishing

feature of myopathy.


  1. Car Bow Wedge 30

If there is gas in the upper part of the stomach and the patient feels weak, this medicine is helpful.


  1. Lyco Podium 30

Any disease should be treated if symptoms are excessive between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.


  1. Jalsi Mem 30

The patient feels his heart will stop if he does not move. There is no doubt that this is one of

the leading indications for this medicine.


  1. Tuberculinum IM

This medicine should be given once a week; it will be very effective.


Low blood pressure high heart rate pregnancy

As a pregnant woman, experiencing low blood pressure and a fast heartbeat can be concerning.

While these symptoms can be common during pregnancy, they could also be a sign of a more

serious condition that requires medical attention. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons,

signs, and possible treatments for low blood pressure and a fast heart rate during pregnancy.

It’s important to note that some pregnant women may experience these symptoms without

having a medical problem. During pregnancy, the body experiences changes that can affect

the heart rate and blood pressure.

If you are pregnant and experiencing low blood pressure and a fast heartbeat, it’s essential

not to ignore these warning signs. We recommend scheduling a consultation with one of

our skilled cardiologists at Nao Medical immediately. All of our medical staff members are

committed to providing our patients with the best care possible. We strive to help you achieve

optimal health and well-being with same-day appointments, minimal wait times, and a

technology-driven approach.


Stress causes low BP

The heart pumps blood throughout the body via blood vessels, with blood pressure

referring to the pressure exerted by the heart on the walls of the arteries.

External factors can affect blood pressure, with physical exertion generally causing

an increase and intense heat leading to a decrease.

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, occurs when blood pressure drops

below normal levels. The definition of “normal” blood pressure varies from person to

person based on their physical characteristics, so what may be considered low for one

might not be for another.

The problem of hypotension only arises when it negatively impacts the body, such as

when it deprives vital organs like the brain of oxygen and nutrients. A sphygmomanometer

is an instrument used to measure blood pressure, and a reading below 30 mmHg indicates


Several factors can cause low blood pressure, including emotional stress, fear, insecurity,

discomfort, and dehydration. The heat in the body can also cause blood to be redirected to

the skin’s blood vessels when you are dehydrated.


Increase salt intake for low blood pressure

It is possible to regulate low blood pressure and other bodily functions through

moderate salt intake.

Dr. Gita Prakash, a family physician at Max Multi-Specialty Hospital in Panchsheel Park,

recommends maintaining a balanced salt intake to maintain blood pressure. Adding salt

to your diet is helpful if you have low blood pressure. Avoid salt-free meals if you have low

blood pressure.

People with hypotension may not be able to lose weight by eating salt-free or low-salt meals.

In a healthier alternative, Coutinho recommends combining pink salt with white salt.

You should consult a healthcare professional if you have low blood pressure for

recommendations on how much salt to consume on a daily basis.



People whose blood pressure is not low should take a walk early in the morning in an open

and airy place and drink juices, etc. To restore physical strength and get plenty of oxygen,

at the same time, it is also necessary to eat without hunger. It is so that digestion is not

damaged because if what homeopathic remedy is good for low blood pressure?

If digestion is problematic, many problems can arise along with this disease.



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