Best way to treatment angina pectoris – Symptoms of angina chest


Define angina pectoris

If the arteries that supply blood to the heart are narrowed, heart pain occurs because

the arteries do not supply the heart with the required amount of blood. This disease was

called “angina pectoris” in the medical language and “cry of the heart” in English.


Angina pectoris causes

  1. In old age, the normal arteries, called the carotid arteries, become narrowed.
  2. Due to sugar, these arteries begin to narrow more quickly.
  3. Due to high blood pressure.
  4. Due to obesity.
  5. Due to smoking.
  6. Due to worn thoughts.
  7. This disease is more common in people who have a family history of heart disease at a young age. Remember that heart diseases are also hereditary.
  1. Due to severe blood loss. (Because in this way, the heart does not get an adequate amount of  oxygen.)


Angina Pectoris symptoms

The patient has moderate to severe chest pain on the left side. Many times, instead of pain, the

patient only feels heaviness and feels as if someone is pressing on the breast.

Most people think of pressure gas, etc.

This pain radiates from the heart to the left arm and fingers. The patient also experiences

Nausea and restlessness. The face turns yellow, and panic is felt. The pain usually lasts for

One to 10 minutes get better with rest, but patients with severe narrowing of the arteries of the

heart do not get relief, even with rest.


Angina Pectoris examination of the patient

When the doctor sees the patient, such patients appear very worried and stressed.

And complain above.


Angina Pectoris laboratory tests

Many types of tests are done for this disease.

For example:-

  1. ECG
  2. Treadmill stress (ECG)
  3. Thallium scanning
  4. 2-D Echocardiogram
  5. Coronary angiography



  1. ECG

ECG in some patients during a pain attack. It is normal. If this is the case, it means that

the pain is very mild and has not yet worsened. However, most patients show a left

bundle branch block on the ECG due to abnormal conditions within the heart.

Angina_Pectoris _ECG


  1. Treadmill stress (ECG)

If a patient develops chest pain after doing some physical activity, such patients do not need to

undergo this test, but should undergo an immediate “Royer’s Angiogram.” In the ST ECG, the

patient is operated on by a machine so that it can find out how much physical exertion he can

do without pain, and in this way, the doctor knows the extent of the patient’s heart condition.

Out of order.

Angina_Pectoris _Stress_Treadmill



  1. Thallium scanning

In this test, scans of the heart are taken, and the arteries of the heart are seen.

They are narrow.


  1. 2-D Echocardiogram

It looks at the size of the different chambers of the heart, the condition of the valves and

the heart muscle, and how much water has accumulated inside the outer membrane of the

heart called the pericardium.


  1. Coronary Angiography

In this, x-rays are taken by injecting dye into the arteries of the heart to narrow the arteries.

Find out exactly.


Chest angina Treatment

There are three principles of treatment for this disease.

  1. Changes in the patient’s daily life
  2. Treatment with drugs
  3. If surgery is required,



Angina Pectoris changes the patient’s daily life

Such patients must make positive changes in their lives; for example, if the patient is

addicted to smoking, give it up. It is critical to maintaining a healthy weight if you have

diabetes. Arrange the morning meal. Keep blood pressure normal and avoid all foods

that increase cholesterol, according to



Best homeopathic medicine for angina pectoris


  1. Crataegus Q

It is one of the most valuable medicines in homeopathy and other heart diseases.

The patient feels as if someone has squeezed his heart with a fist. Jaundice on the face

Panic is the leading symptom of this drug.


  1. Critics Q:

If this drug is called “dil kata tak,” it will be lifeless. Of the heart

It can be given for every disease. Its continuous use cleans the drains.


  1. Amyl nitrate, 1 x

In the event of a seizure, if the patient becomes unconscious, inhaling this medicine will

bring the patient back to consciousness.


  1. 30 Sai Jelia

The symptoms of palpitations are increased by very fast movements and sharp pains.

It is a very useful medicine for this disease.


  1. Glonine 30

Throbbing is felt throughout the body. Breath time.


  1. 3x Kali phos + 3x Kalkir or phos + 3x Natrum pea:

This biochemical combination protects against heart attacks.


  1. Aconite 30

Severe anxiety, and fear of death If these two symptoms are present, this medication is

often useful.


  1. Arsenic Album 200

There is an elixir for heartache. First of all, these are medicines. Nix Vamica 30 If the disease is

a result of a mental disorder, don’t forget this medicine.

Angina_Pectoris _Treatment_with_drugs_Chest_angina_Treatment_Angina_Pectoris_Treatment_unstable_angina_pectoris_treatment_angina_pectoris_symptoms_and_treatment


Angina Pectoris, heart surgery

Coronary Angioplasty: In this surgery, a sharp wire is inserted inside the coronary arteries of the

patient, and the obstruction is removed by spreading it to the place of obstruction.

Bypass: In this surgery, Dr. Sir Jin takes out pieces of the chest vein from the patient’s leg

And put one end in the aorta and the other end next to the obstructed part of the heart artery.

Add the part. In this way, it becomes possible to supply an adequate amount of blood to the

Hear my heart again.

Bypass surgery is usually needed again after 9 to 10 years.

Angina_Pectoris _Surgery

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