Best Homeopathy Medicine for Heart Palpitations – Heart Disease


Define Heart Palpitations

In this disease, the heart beats strongly, and the heartbeat can be felt clearly.

It appears as if the heart is sinking. Darkness surrounds the eyes. Sometimes

fainting occurs. There are times when this disease attacks for a few minutes

to a few hours at a time. In our blog, we talk about Best Homeopathy Medicine

for Heart Palpitations – Racing Heart.


What Causes Heart Palpitations

  1. Abundant tea consumption due to smoking and alcohol consumption.
  2. Because of Drokhov
  3. Because of sadness.
  4. In society, there is an abundance of resources.
  5. Due to epilepsy.
  6. Because of the hysteria.
  7. Due to heart disease.
  8. Due to blood flow.
  9. Due to blood disorders.
  10. Due to mental and physical weaknesses.
  11. Due to indigestion.

Palpitations Treatment in Homeopathy


  • Aconite 30

Rapid heart rate, fear of death, and severe anxiety are typical side effects of this



  • Pulsatilla 30

If women have menstrual complaints or indigestion and their heartbeat is fast,

this medicine is useful.


  • Bella Donna 30

The palpitations become faster with the slightest movement, the face becomes red,

and the patient does not tolerate noise or light.


  • Spy Jelia 30

The pulse is so fast that the other person can feel it, along with a sharp stabbing

pain in the heart.


  • Agnesia 30

If this disorder is due to hysteria, then give these two.


  • Digi Teles 30

Rapid heartbeat without any particular reason. A patient with this medicine cannot

walk or lie down because doing so increases his heart rate.


  • Nix Vamica 30

If the pulse becomes fast due to indigestion or heavy drinking, this medicine is

useful. She lives in.

Natrum Peacock 3x, x + Kalkir or Phos xx + Kali Phos 33xx

Yami Nation is the most excellent. It prevents heart attacks.


  •  Lex Q

When the heart is overloaded day and night due to rapid body movement.

The place is breathtaking. In cases where the heartbeat becomes fast during

menstruation, give these two things.


  • Mix Q

Use with other medicines.


Blood sugar and heart palpitations

If you have low blood sugar, consuming foods high in carbohydrates or sugar may cause

your blood sugar levels to increase. In addition, foods high in sodium, such as canned or

processed foods, are also to be avoided. Rich or spicy meals can also cause bloating and

heart palpitations. Some people are sensitive to MSG, found in processed foods and certain

restaurant meals, which can cause heart palpitations. Moreover, theobromine can increase

your heart rate and cause palpitations, while tyramine, an amino acid that is found in alcohol,

aged cheese, cold cuts, and dried fruits, can cause heart palpitations and high blood pressure.


Best potassium for heart palpitations

The heart can benefit from the consumption of potassium-rich foods and beverages.

However, individuals with diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney disease, which

increases their risk of heart failure, should be cautious as too much potassium can

lead to cardiac problems. If you want to plan your meals safely, it is recommended

that you consult a healthcare professional before starting a low-potassium diet.

It is possible that drugs used to treat heart failure may negatively affect the

potassium level in your body. Some diuretics cause potassium loss, so a high-potassium

diet is recommended. The effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors,

angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), and aldosterone antagonists can be accompanied

by potassium levels rising, necessitating a reduction in diet potassium.

This guide provides you with fundamental knowledge to manage your potassium levels.

You can adjust these general recommendations to suit your needs. In any case,

please consult with your physician or nurse to ensure that these recommendations

are appropriate for you.

Hyperkalemia, or having too much potassium in the blood, can have harmful side

effects and should be addressed immediately. Weakness, nausea, diarrhea,

general discomfort, and pain are all potential side effects. As these symptoms worsen,

they can result in paralysis, reduced urination, and irregular heartbeats.

Hypokalemia, or low potassium levels, can also be harmful. Muscle soreness,

palpitations, and weakness are all signs of hypokalemia.


Heart palpitations 37 weeks pregnant

It is common for pregnant women to experience a number of visible and invisible changes

during their pregnancy. This occurs when blood volume increases in the body, causing

approximately a 25% increase in heart rate. A heart palpitation is when your heart feels

like it is beating quickly or irregularly as a result of this rise in blood pressure.

It’s important to be aware that heart palpitations during pregnancy may indicate an

underlying medical condition, even though they are normally safe and common.

Therefore, it’s essential to educate yourself on everything you need to know about

heart palpitations during pregnancy.


Early morning palpitations

People who wake up with a racing heart may be dealing with stress, lack of sleep,

sleep apnea, or changes in their blood sugar level. Upon waking up, some people

may feel like their heart is beating very fast or their chest is pounding hard.

They may also experience shakiness or anxiety during this time.

Low glucose levels can lead to seizures if you are suffering from hypoglycemia.

The condition is often overlooked by doctors. You can combat this by drinking a

glass of juice as soon as you wake up in the morning. The carbohydrates in the juice

will enter your bloodstream in approximately 15-20 minutes, providing your brain with

the glucose it needs to raise your heart rate. A small snack before bed can keep you

from developing nocturnal hypoglycemia (since you do not eat while you sleep).

You will notice a difference after a few weeks of following a regular meal schedule;

don’t let anyone scare you! Physical activity can also lower your blood sugar,

including rushing to get dressed in the morning.



When the heart beats fast, the patient should lie still. If the stomach is full, do not

Several hours of food should be given to the patient. A morning walk is very useful

For this Disease. Best Homeopathy Medicine for Heart Palpitations – Racing Heart

Disease Avoid smoking completely.



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