Helpful Medication for Stomach Worms – Be aware of the Causes


Definition of Stomach Worms

You’ve probably heard that so-and-so has stomach bugs. These worms live in the large intestine.

There are three major types of these insects. According to an estimate, one out of every three

people in the Indian subcontinent has stomach worms.


What are the Types of Parasitic Worms


  • Tapeworm (pumpkin)

These worms are known as pumpkin seeds. They look like pumpkin seeds.

They are usually passed out in the stool and can range from five to fifty feet in length.


  • Roundworm (Catchway)

The length of this type of insect ranges from five to twelve inches.


  •  Threadworms (small)

The length of these insects ranges from half to one and a half inches.

These worms are also usually excreted in the stool.


How can Symptoms of Stomach Worms in Humans?

1- The patient’s color starts to change suddenly.

2- Jaundice appears on the face.

3- There are circles around the eyes.

4- The patient’s appetite starts to disappear, but sometimes

the appetite increases more than normal.

5- The patient’s stomach is bloated.

6- Odor and saliva start flowing from the mouth.

7- There is itching in the anus. This rash is usually worse at night.

8- There is pain in the head, and the patient remains seated and slumped.

9- Weakness and weight loss occur.

10- The color of urine becomes milky.

11- Abdominal colic pain.

12- Stomach worms have a very bad effect on the child’s development.


Causes of Worms in Stomach in Adults

1- The use of market food produces worms.

2- By walking barefoot, the eggs and babies of these insects are implanted in

the patient through the feet.

3- Eating vegetables and fruits without washing them.

4- Eating and drinking such things on which writings have been sitting.

5- By defecating near the patient’s stool, this disease can be transmitted to others.


Blood Test for Stomach Worms

The diagnosis of this disease is made by observing the symptoms of the patient,

but sometimes the following Tests to be done:


Or stool test (Stool D/R)

This stool test detects the presence of worms. In this way, the eggs of worms can

be seen in the stool.



In this case, we will be testing our blood. In the presence of worms, the number

of eosinophils in the white blood cells is increased, and anemia occurs.


Abdominal ultrasound Test for Stomach Worms

Intestinal worms are detected by abdominal ultrasound. Many times the patient himself

tells about the worms that a long worm was passed in the stool or many times during

coughing; this long worm can come out through the mouth.


Homeopathy Medicine for Stomach Worms in Adults


  • Saina 30, 2000

This medicine is very effective for stomach worms. The patient looks ill.

The face is pale, with dark circles around the eyes. The patient picks his

teeth and blows his nose at night. The patient loses appetite.


  • Sertenem 3X

With the help of this medicine, worms are also removed.

The patient’s face turns pale, and blue or black circles appear around

the eyes—bad breath and fever.

The patient of this medicine becomes satiated.


  • Firm Phos 12x

If fever occurs due to stomach worms, repeat this medicine as soon as possible, it is useful.


  • Black Peacock 6x

There are small white cloths and itching on the anus. If there is a white layer

on the tongue, it is cleared by giving medicine.


  • Calcarea Carb 200

Give one dose every week. It eliminates insects’ breeding grounds.


  • Co. Agazidium tigerum 1x

This drug is interchanged with Konix Vamika 30; we are more useful for your pests.


  •  Belladonna 30

This medicine is also effective if the urine leaks out during sleep due to catarrh and

the patient grinds his teeth in his sleep.


  •  Sekota 30

Give this medicine if you start feeling sick due to stomach worms.

Some doctors use Lycopodium 30 morning, afternoon, and evening

for two days and Mitrum Album 30 morning and afternoon for four days,

and Epicac 6 morning and afternoon, and evening for seven days and are successful.


  • Natrum Phos 3x

This medicine is most useful for all types of insects. A sour stomach is prominent

among the symptoms of the child. There is a pain in the bowels. The patient blows his nose.

There is itching on the sutures and anus. The patient wakes up startled in sleep and grinds his teeth.


  • Flux Mass Q

This medicine is a well-known universal remedy for removing worms from the intestines.

Aids in the morning followed by a dram will expel the catarrhs ​​by 2:00 p.m.

If colic pain occurs along with the complaint of catarrh, then using it continuously

for a few days will relieve both complaints. Consume this medicine before breakfast.


  • Sulfur 200

Give this medicine once a week orally. Medicines prove to be helpful.


  •  Cladium 30

This medicine is effective when the worms have entered the fridge through the

seam and produce menstruation.


  • Tio Cream Q

This medicine is useful for this disease.


  • Silesia 2000

Used for all kinds of insect repellants, it proves to be an excellent medicine.


  •  Terry bin Chine 6, 30 

Suppose the breath becomes bad due to catarrh. This medicine is useful for a dry,

painful, and suffocating cough—small pieces of insects Excreted in the stool.


Conclusion of Homeopathy for Stomach Worms

  1. Light exercise in the open air is useful for the patient.
  2. Avoid all types of commercial and takeaway food.
  3. Eat simple and easily digestible food.
  4. Stop coffee etc.
  5. Bathing with cold water every morning is beneficial.
  6. Instruct the patient to stay clean. Also, don’t let your feet go bare.



Dry them in the sun between drinking, make a paste of them and fill them in a capsule

and give the patient one capsule daily in the morning after breakfast. This indigenous

recipe is very useful for getting rid of worms.



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