How medications are helpful for kidney stones remove


Definition of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are divided into three categories. That is, its distribution

Stone-forming chemicals are caused by:

  1. Stones made of calcium oxalate
  2. Stones made of magnesium phosphate or ammonium phosphate
  3. Stones formed by uric acid


How kidney stones form

People who develop calcium oxalate stones in their kidneys are the most difficult to remove,

causing metabolic disturbances. Most patients have unexplained excess uric acid excretion

in the urine, and many patients have increased uric acid excretion. In this way, these

substances gradually accumulate in the kidneys and take the form of urine. Stones

made of calcium oxalate are very thick and pointy. If they are large in size, they cannot

be removed with medication and require surgery. These stones are usually more common

in people with acidic urine.


Straw White Stones:

Stones made of ammonium and magnesium phosphate are called “star white stones”.

Urinary stones are mostly formed in patients with alkaline urine, and urinary tract

infections are usually the cause of such stones.


Uric Acid Stones:

Patients with high levels of uric acid in their blood are prone to gout and kidney stones.

Acidic urine of such patients. There is, and it thickens.


Seven stones:

If the stone is excreted in the urine, it is not absorbed into the kidney tubules and

gradually forms stones. These stones block the urinary tract and damage the kidneys.


 Symptoms of Kidney Stones

  1. Many people do not have any symptoms due to the small size of the stones, but if an X-ray is done, these stones are visible.
  2. Frequent urination due to kidney stones.
  3. There is blood in the urine and a burning sensation.
  4. Urination may be obstructed.
  5. Urine may stop.
  6. There are severe pains near the kidney.
  7. The patient feels nausea and vomiting due to pain.


What is Test I-V-P (Intravenous Pylography/ IVP):

In this test, various x-rays of the kidneys are taken by injecting the patient with a vein dye,

and thus, with the help of this test, kidney stones are identified and their size, etc.

Kidney stones appear clear with IVP.


Laboratory tests for gallstones

Many patients pass small stones through their urine. These stones should be submitted

to laboratory tests to learn their composition.


What Blood tests detect kidney stones

  1. Urea and Manga levels are checked in the blood. If their level is high, it indicates kidney failure.
  2. Check the calcium levels in your blood. If it is more than normal, the following appointment must be made.
  3. If the secretion of the parathyroid gland increases in the blood, the amount of calcium in the blood also increases, so we have to check the level of secretion of the parathyroid gland.
  4. Perform a urine test, and check pH and infection status. If the pH is acidic, the stone will be made of calcium oxalate or uric acid. If the pH is alkaline, other stones will form. Urine D/R is done for this.


Kidney Stone Treatment in Homeopathy

There are over-the-counter medications for kidney stones in myopathy.

These medicines are also believed to be effective by other medical experts.


  •  Lesia 12x:

Use these two with the same strength; Allah’s grace removes stones.

Four doses should be given during the day.


  •  Berberis vulgaris Q:

Elixir treats kidney stones and other ailments. Very useful, especially on the left side.

The pain extends from the kidneys to the thighs. Mix ten drops in water in the morning,

afternoon, and evening. Give every half an hour in severe pain.


  • Calcarea Carb 6,30:

When there is difficulty urinating and severe pain while passing the stone,

repeat this medicine every fifteen minutes; it becomes easier.


  • Serum 6:

This medicine is useful for kidney infections and kidney failure.

We are Yashel Ke Kue. Give this medicine if the urine has stopped

or comes very slowly. As a result of giving it, the urine opens,

and the albumin in the urine is stopped.


  • Hyde Rangia Q3x:

This medicine dissolves kidney stones. Mix this medicine with an equal

quantity of Berberis Dilgiris Q and give 10 drops daily in water in the morning, noon, and evening.


  • Lyco Podium 1000

Give one dose every morning. A kidney stone. It hurts.


  • Arnica Uranus Q

This medicine cleans the kidneys of sand and stones.


  • Pereira took Q

If there have been stones in the kidneys for a long time, this medicine will remove them.


  • Simim Can 6

If there are stones in the kidney, especially on the right side, and they cause severe

kidney pain, this medicine relieves them. It smells of musk. Uric acid is released.


  • Sar super yala x

Pain and burning after urinating are the main symptoms of this medicine.

Urine is cloudy and slimy. This drug is often used for kidney stones and remains useful.


  • Natrum Phos 3x

This medicine dissolves uric acid and calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys.

The patient has sour sweat and acidity in the chest.


  • Terry Bun Cheena 30 3x

Heaviness in the kidneys and turbidity in the urine are its characteristic symptoms.

If these symptoms are present, this medicine removes kidney stones.


  • Cantharus 3×30

If the urine is discharged drop by drop and severe burning occurs, give this medicine.

Then there is no need to look for more symptoms; this medicine is enough.


  • Mag Phos 3x Ferm Phos 12x Black Peacock 3x

Acute kidney infection. If there is fever, inflammation, and pain, dissolve this

mixture in warm water and give it alternately. A very effective recipe is.


  • Aconite 30

Acute and severe cases should be treated with this medication.

The patient fears death and anxiety. This is his special symbol.


  • Solid U 3x

A pain that extends to the stomach and legs when touched in the area of the kidney.

If the urine is red-brown in quantity and albumin is excreted in the urine, this medicine is suitable.


  • Washi Carriers Q

If the kidneys fail, it is prescribed. You can only check the amount of urea and calcium in

the blood by testing it. If their amount is higher than normal, it means the kidneys are failing,

so give them this medicine four times a day.


Best Electrohomeopathy medicine for kidney stone

Electrohomeopathy has the following medicines for kidney diseases:

They are useful and effective.


The score for Philosophical Number 6:

When there is a problem with the kidneys, stones can also form.

This medicine corrects kidney function and expels stones.

Besides, this medicine has healthy effects on the body. Compiles.

In the morning, afternoon, and evening before meals, give yourself ten globe vans.


Cancer and the Sun Number 6

This medicine also improves kidney function. Corrects inflammation and discharge

in the urinary tract. If the urine is difficult and intermittent, this drug directly

affects kidney cells. It keeps the kidneys functioning better and protects

against bladder diseases. Dissolves stones and prevents formation.

Give ten globals in the morning, afternoon, and evening before meals.


Conclusion for Kidney Stone Disease

  1. Kidney patients should not consume spinach, tomatoes, etc.
  2. Constipation is very harmful to a kidney patient, so it is the doctor’s duty not to constipate the patient.
  3. Such patients should drink more water.
  4. Coconut water is vital for kidney and diabetes patients and should be drunk.
  5. In cases of kidney pain, dissolve Magphos 3 times in warm water and drink one sip every five minutes to relieve the pain.
  6. We must advise kidney patients to eat cucumbers for lunch because cucumbers dissolve stones.
  7. Standing or sitting for a long time harms kidney patients.
  8. Melon is helpful for kidney stones.


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