What is the Most Popular Medication for Vomiting? – Overviews


Define Vomiting in Medical Terms

Vomiting itself is not a disease but a symptom of some diseases.

Vomiting is usually caused by eating improper food or too much.


Sudden Vomiting Causes

  1. Due to a poor diet.
  2. By overeating.
  3. Due to a blood disorder.
  4. Due to indigestion.
  5. Menstruation also occurs during pregnancy.
  6. Due to uterine disease. Due to kidney disease.
  7. Due to mental diseases.
  8. And due to intestinal obstruction.
  9. Due to other brain injuries.

Homeopathic Medicine for Vomiting and Stomach Pain

  • Epic 30

It is essential to take this medicine to treat this condition. Frequent nausea

is the hallmark of this drug. Nausea continues even after vomiting. The

patient on this medicine is restless due to nausea. The patient’s tongue is

clear. Apricots have benefits and symptoms not evident from other medications.


  • Anthem Crude 30

The tongue color, as white as milk, is the guiding sign of this medicine.

The patient vomits whatever the prophet eats. Overfilling the stomach with

chicken and heavy food causes vomiting. If this disease has symptoms, you

can safely give this medicine to patients of any age. A child or an older person

will most likely be treated with this medication.

There are benefits.


  • Iris Var 30

The appearance of the furnace also makes the teeth sour. It follows this

Principle as its guiding principle.


  • Iris Var 30

The furnace’s appearance also sours teeth. According to this medicine: If this is the

symptom, do not give other treatment. Give only Iris.


  •  Aconite 30

Nausea and vomiting. Due to the overfullness of the stomach, severe and

unrelenting symptoms occur after drinking alcoholic beverages. As well as

this, the tongue is coated with a thick layer of milk. If so, this medicine is



  • Evil Onia 30

Vomit immediately after eating. Bile that tastes bitter. This medicine is helpful

if pain occurs on the left side while vomiting.


  •  Smith 30

If there is burning, pain, and vomiting immediately after eating, this medicine

will control it.


  •  Coles of 30

If vomiting starts from traveling on a ship, give this medicine, but if

vomiting occurs from a gasoline smell in a car, give Petroleum 30.


  • Belladonna 30

It is helpful in cases of severe fever or vomiting.


  •  Pulsatilla 30

Eating chicken and bakery products helps if you suffer from it.


  •  Phosphorus 30

The patient taking this drug craves cold water, which enters the stomach

when it warms up to body temperature.


  • Calcarea Carb 30

It was hard for the child to digest the milk, and he drank the sour milk instead.


  • Athos 30

This medication can help vomiting children. The child vomits milk.

After drinking milk, he vomits like curd, feeling weak and sleepy.

It happens.


  • Ver Merim M30

Violent vomiting before drinking water. This medicine can save lives

if blood pressure is low and cold drinks are applied to the forehead.


  • Arsenic album 30

Swap with


  •  Arnica 30

This medicine works very well if the patient spits up blood and vomits

blood due to injury or trauma.


  • Q Perm Mate 30 

If severe vomiting occurs and no medication works, it is usually curative.


  • Ferrum phos 12x, Kale Peacock 6x, Natrum phos 6x, Kalkir or phos 6x, Kali sulphate 6x, Natrum sulphate 6x, Magphos 6x:

Every two hours, it is recommended that you take this mixture.

All types of vomiting

Conclusion of Vomiting

Sometimes the upper body becomes dehydrated, and the patient feels weak.

You must give Chaga 30 doses periodically. This medicine restores braille

strength, and the condition remains controlled. However, if dehydration

becomes too severe, Novar should be applied.



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