How to Appendicitis Treatment without Surgery in Homeopathy


Definition of Appendicitis

On the lower right side of the order is the small part of the large intestine

called the appendix. The inflammation is called appendicitis.


What are Some Causes of Appendicitis

1- This disease is usually caused by infection.


2- This disease usually affects children and young people more.


3- Excessive protein in the diet is also a cause of this disease.


This disease can occur if the dried faecal fluid gets stuck in the appendix.


Where is Appendicitis Symptoms

1- The patient has a sudden onset of frequent pain in the upper abdomen or around the navel.

2- It is a dar dalaga tar and shrivelled. There is another

3- There is nausea and vomiting.

4- If vomiting starts before stomach pain starts, it is another problem caused by a disease.

5- Most patients complain of constipation but occasionally diarrhoea.

6- Slight fever that increases from 101°F to 102°F.

7- After some time, this pain permanently moves to the right side of the lower abdomen,

and when asked by the doctor, the patient can tell you where the pain is occurring.

it is the location of the appendix in the centre of the lower abdomen.

8- The appendix swells and becomes red; pressure on this area increases pain.

9- It is usually white in the mouth and tongue.

10- The pulse rate increases to 90 to 100 beats per minute.

11- The white blood cell count (C.B.C) is high.

12- If this disease affects children, they have diarrhoea instead of constipation.

13- If this pain occurs in the entire abdomen away from the appendix location,

this symptom is due to appendix rupture.

14- Thus, appendicitis causes inflammation of the stomach mucous membrane called peritonitis.


Physical Test to Check for Appendicitis

Pressing on the patient’s appendix site will cause severe pain, and the patient’s abdominal

muscles will be tense. If the appendix ruptures, all the abdominal muscles will be tense,

indicating peritonitis. The patient experiences pain probing by inserting a finger into the rectum.

In addition, the patient experiences pain by pressing on the right side when examining the

pectoral in women. The patient also has a fever.


A patient’s blood count shows a high white cell count. X-rays should be taken of the

patient to assess the level of the stone and the fluid level at the appendix site if it

appears to be present.


How was Appendicitis Treated before Surgery


  • Evil Onia 30

There are scaly and irritated sores that get more painful with movement.

As a result of the pain, the patient lies down in the painful area. There is

stiffness in the lower right abdomen.


  • Iris Tan, 3x, 30

In some cases, doctors believe this medicine should be given first to patients

with this disease. There is swelling and pain at the appendix site.


  • Palladonna 30

There is severe pain in the appendix on the right side of the abdomen.

The patient cannot bear even the slightest pressure. Vomiting occurs.

The patient is dominated by sleep but cannot sleep.

The situation worsens with light and noise.


  • Firm Phos 12x Black Peacock x 6

Both drugs are beneficial if given interchangeably.


  • Mag Fos 6x Kali Fos 6x

Give these two medicines alternately or in combination in warm water.

It’s going to be intense.


  • Fear Samira Q

This medicine is useful when pain is severe. The intestines are full of air.

The patient should feel comfortable leaning backwards. Use this medicine with warm water.


  • Peteshi CM

Often, doctors believe that a single dose of this medicine can cure the

disease and save the patient from surgery.


  • Restocks 200

This medicine acts as a homoeopathic lancet in this disease, i.e., it saves the patient from surgery.


  • Lucinth, 30

It is handy when the pain is severe, and the patient bends forward.

Feel comfortable.


  • Ver Merim Ver Ide 30

Permanent rickets is relieved by making a lotion of one part oil and two parts water

and applying it to the affected area.


  • Lyric Car 30

Welcome to the crush section of the appendix. Symptoms worsen at night.


  • luxes 6,30

Give this six times in two days when cutting and tearing are painful. Have a bloated stomach.

This medicine is useful if the patient is very restless.


  • Agnesia 6,30

This medicine should be used first for nervous patients. There is severe pain at the

appendix site, and the patient fears surgery. A patient who suffers from this disease

may be sensitive and nervous due to this symptom. The patient’s body becomes hot and stiff.


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