Best Homeopathic Medication for Dyspepsia? – Nervous Indigestion


Definition of Dyspepsia Medical Term

Stomach upset is called indigestion. This disease can be acute and chronic.

If someone has severe indigestion, it is an acute condition, and it is very important

to treat it quickly.


What are Dyspepsia Causes?

1- Thoughts cause indigestion.

2- Because of a lot of anger.

3- Due to too much mental work.

4- Due to depression.

5- Due to nervous tension.


If the stomach becomes disturbed due to the above causes, we call it nervous Dyspepsia.

Nervous Dyspepsia is called because it causes pressure on the nerves, which cause

Stomach upset. In addition, indigestion can also occur due to the following reasons:


1- By chewing food less. You might know you should chew a cantaloupe at least

40 times, but no one does. If this is followed, I bet that stomach diseases will

become non-existent.

2- Due to inflammation of the esophagus.

3- Due to disturbance in the fluid secretion.

4- Gastric secretions with the help of which food is digested if these secretions decrease

5- If it goes, the stomach gets upset.

6- Due to deficiency or excess of bile.

7- Due to the accumulation of a lot of gas in the large intestine.

8- Due to the use of many English medicines.

If indigestion occurs for the above reasons, we call it Intestinal Carbohydrate Dyspepsia.


Symptoms of Nervous Indigestion

1- Symptoms are aggravated by grief.

2- Constipation starts.

3- There is an excess of gas in the stomach.

4- Loud crows belch.

5- Hunger disappears.

6- The patient’s weight starts falling day by day.

7- And thus, the patient feels weak.

8- There is a lack of desire for sexual relations.

9- And the hands and feet start to be cold.

10- Abdominal muscles are sometimes hard and sometimes soft.

11- Sleep becomes unpleasant. In one state, sleep starts to decrease.

12- And finally, the patient becomes discouraged and sad.


Symptoms of Dyspepsia Disease

  1. Nausea and vomiting occur.
  2. Their appetite is quenched.
  3. Pressure is felt in the lower part of the chest bone.
  4. Acidity starts increasing.
  5. The patient becomes less courageous but angry.
  6. The patient frequently desires to sleep.
  7. Lips turn yellow. The face goes down.
  8. Eyes inside
  9. The side sinks and becomes a puzzle.
  10. Hands and feet are cold.
  11. Symptoms are aggravated by cold.
  12. The patient starts losing weight gradually.
  13. He becomes weak and lazy as a result.
  14. Foul-smelling gas continues to be emitted.


Dyspepsia Diagnostic Tests

If the doctor feels that there is indigestion due to inflammation of the liver or stomach,

liver and bile tests should be done with an ultrasound. If the condition is caused by

stomach inflammation, an endoscopy is necessary. For a diagnosis, a stool test

should be performed. It is recommended to perform a stool test D/R. As a result,

stomach worms and colon inflammation are made more aware.


Dyspepsia Treatment in Homeopathic

  • Ferrum phos 12x Black Peacock 6x, Natrum phos 6x Kalkir or phos 6x, Natrum Sulph 6x Kali Sulph 6x:

This combination is very useful. Give four times a day or with other medicines. Use it.


  •  Nix Wamika 30,1000

This medicine is effective if this disease is due to unnatural living. Stools are loose and acidic.

Food goes up to the throat. The patient of this medicine is irritable and angry. No matter

how much this medicine is praised, There is less.


  • Karpoved, 30, 10000

Accumulation of foul-smelling breath in the upper abdomen, relieved by belching.

Acidity and pain. This medicine has the advantage of giving doses weekly, which

is one of the 1000 strengths.


  • Chicory Low 30

This medicine is useful in nervous Dyspepsia. An excess of gas puts pressure on the heart.

The patient becomes disillusioned with his life. The patient feels as if a ball is stuck in

his throat. Aversion to sweet things and malaise after eating Drowsiness is one of the

symptoms of this medicine.


  •  India 2000

If indigestion is due to thoughts, then this medicine should be given. The symptoms

of this medicine are worse after eating and at night. This drug is characteristic in

patients with hysteria. It is useful.


  • Phosphorus 300

Excess of gas, due to which the pulse becomes faster. The patient feels very hungry at

night, which causes his sleep to be interrupted.


  • Nix Mass 30

If the patient’s stomach becomes bloated immediately after eating, this is a secondary response.


  •  Argentum Knight 30 1000

A symptom of this is that the patient burps loudly. Stomach upset after menstruation

stops. The patient feels that in his stomach, The block is stuck.


  •  Sepia 30

The patient of this medicine is quick-tempered and prone to tears and depression.

Symptoms include cold hands and feet, a white coating on the tongue, and a bitter

taste in the mouth. The smell of food causes nausea. A patient of this medicine

wants to eat pickles and bad things.


  •  Sulfur 200

Taking one dose of this medicine daily in the morning is useful. Especially karate. In situations


  •  Crying 30

Indigestion is caused by acidity, belching in the stomach, and headache when

the stomach is empty. If there is pain, give this medicine.


  • Lyco Podium 30, 1000

Excessive hunger, but after eating a few snacks, the stomach should be full.

Gas accumulation occurs below the navel. All the symptoms of this medicine

increase from 4 pm to 8 pm. A Lycopodium patient wants everything hot.

After dinner, sleep starts immediately.


  • Calcarea Carb 30

The color of the tongue is white. The patient does not like milk.

Stools are foul-smelling and muddy in color. This symptom is an

unusual symptom of this medicine.


  • Pulsatilla 30

Indigestion Acidity in the mouth tastes sour and even bitter. Foul-smelling belches

often smell like food. The patient’s mouth is dry, but not thirsty. Stones are felt in the

stomach. Burping relieves symptoms. This medicine is especially useful for indigestion

caused by chicken feed. The symptoms are aggravated in closed rooms and the evening

and lessen in the open air.


  •  Anthem Crude 30

The whiteness of the tongue is its special sign. Stomach bloating after eating.

Burps smell of food. This drug is mostly used in children and older people go.


  • Anacardium 30

It is the best medicine for nervous indigestion. As a result of this medicine,

the patient wants to eat continuously because eating short-term relieves his suffering.

Stomach pain starts when food is digested, and the pain is relieved by eating food goes.

This symptom is characteristic of this medicine and stomach ulcers.


  •  Black Carb 30

This medicine is also useful for indigestion. Whenever the door to the room is closed,

the patient with this illness feels as though someone has touched his body.

It is not recommended for the patient of this medicine to touch himself or herself.


  • China 10000

Indigestion is due to loss of body fluids, and the patient feels very weak. After eating,

it will prevail, and gas will form in the stomach. Food remains in the stomach for

several hours—sour, belching, and vomiting of undigested food.


  • Black Bichromium 30

Useful in alcoholic indigestion.


  •  Brai Onya 30 

This medicine is effective in indigestion. Summer is the most common season for using them.

After eating, the patient feels like stones are lying in the stomach.

Of thirst Excess, and the taste is bitter.


  • Smith 30

This medicine is useful in indigestion when nothing is in the patient’s stomach.

You stay. Whatever he eats comes out in the form of vomit.



1- All food should be chewed thoroughly to make it soft, fine, and digestible.

Additionally, salivation is encouraged to encourage digestion.

2- It is important to eat simple and light food.

3- It is important to avoid heavy food and spicy food.

4- Avoid smoking and tea etc.

5- Bathing with fresh water is very beneficial.

6- It is better to drink water before and during meals, but water immediately after

meals is harmful. Drink water half an hour after food.

7- Always eat when you are hungry and when you are hungry.


Electrohomeopathy medicine “Jayapaon” has proved very useful for stomach diseases.

It is tried and tested. This medicine is a cure for many stomach disorders.


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